Yesterday started out with so much anticipation! I was excited that, after waiting for 10 and 1/2 months to compete for MMOT again, the pageant was finally here. But I was sad that it would be all over in a blink of an eye, and that's exactly what happened. As I look back on yesterday, I can't believe that it actually happened.
My interview started around 11 in the morning. I was the very last contestant out of 10. I went into my interview knowing that all of the work I had put into perfecting it would shine through. I walked into the interview room with complete ease knowing God was going to be in that room also. I can tell you with complete honesty that I was nobody but Bailey and I'm proud of that. I spoke from my heart and what I knew. There was a great judging panel as well! I came out of my interview feeling so accomplished. 2 years ago, I never would have imagined speaking that way in front of people. Now I can do it with complete ease and I have the Miss America Organization to thank for that. I started crying after my interview because I had worked so hard for that moment and I walked out with, what I felt, was the best interview I had ever had. I couldn't have asked for anything more than that, and I prayed right then and there to thank God for shaping me into the person I am today.
Here were the judges:
Jennifer Ostergaard
Jason DeRusha
Carla Beaurline
Kate Metzger
Ginger Bamonti-Grossman
Vanessa Johnson Hufford
After my interview, I was thrust into rehersal, which is always one of my favorite parts of the whole pageant experience. That's when you really start to connect with the other contestants and form friendships that will continue even after the pageant is over. Right away we learned our opening number routine. We danced to Firework by Katy Perry. It's kinda wierd because the whole week prior to the pageant, that song was stuck in my head. God has his little ways of showing his power, that is for sure! We then had some lunch, and headed back to rehersal for all of the walking patterns and such. For ftiness wear we walked to More by Usher and for evening gown we walked to Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. All 3 are great songs that are easy to dance and walk to :) I had so much fun getting to know the girls at this time. They all were so nice and fun to be around! We had many laughs. I'm truly going to remember those moments forever.
After long hours of rehearsal, we finally had time to just relax and prepare for the night ahead of us. We were given dinner, but I think alot of us were a little to nervous to eat a whole lot :) I know I was! We had 2 hours to really prepare ourselves both mentally and physically.
There were 2 dressing rooms, with 5 contestants in each. In my dressing room, I had contestants 6-10.
Here is the contestant order:
Emily Freeh
Claire Schilller
Katy Hamlin
Brianna Drevlow
Ellie Bachmann
Corrina Swiggum
Chandra Dahlke
Alexis Houule
Brianna Smith
Bailey Wachholz
Before I knew it, I was getting dressed in my opening number outfit, with my stage hair and make-up all done. Of course, I had to snap a few pictures with my dressing room buddies! Then it was offically pageant time. We got in our order backstage while Miss Minnesota, Kathryn Knuttila, played the Star Spangled Banner on the piano. The music started and Kat, Miss MN Outstanding Teen 2010, danced while I prayed my heart out backstage. I led a group prayer, and as I was talking I couldn't help but smile. Anyone of these girls competing tonight would make an amazing MMOT. I promised myself right then and there that, if I didn't walk away tonight as Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen 2011, that I wouldn't give up. God's plan is perfect and so is His timing. If that crown was meant to be mine it would be placed on my head and if not, then there is obviously something better out there waiting for me.
I had so much adrenaline, and when I walked out on that stage I was smiling from pure joy. I had so much fun dancing, that I truly forgot I was even competing. That's when you know you were meant to be competing, when you are having so much fun that you forgot its a competition.
Then came our introduction, and in a split-second I was racing backstage to get into my fitness wear. I took a moment to really let all of this sink in. I took a deep breath and reminded myself why I'm doing this. As much as I want to be MMOT, I'm doing this because of the personal growth and the opportunity to make a difference with my platform.
Fitness wear came and it went. I know that I'm not the skinniest girl on stage, but I don't let that stop me. I'm healthy. I eat right and exercise. I'm a normal teenager! Although I'm not in any sports, I commit to working out a regular basis. I'm confident in who I am and I don't believe that you need to be stick-thin to win a pageant.
By now the pageant was half over and I wished I could stop time for a few minutes.
Then came evening gown, my favorite part. I'm absolutly in love with my gown and felt like Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen in it. I answered my onstage question with complete honestly. My answer came from the heart.
Next was talent. I was so excited for this! I was one of two piano players. For my piece I put 3 classical piano pieces together (With the help of Kathryn and Cathy. Thanks!!). I loved my piece and I still do! Everytime I play it I just get so happy. I worked hard on that piece for many months and to finally perform it on that stage was an incredible feeling. After I had finished, I was bouncing with excitement. It was the best performance I had given and I was just so happy! I couldn't stop smiling.
After talent, I realized that is was all over. I would no longer be judged in anything else. I had done everything I could, and now it was up to the judges to decide who the new titleholder would be.
As I was getting into my evening gown for the last time, I almost started to cry (I was the cry baby of the group, as you can probably tell!). I didn't want this day to be over, but I wanted to see the results! I felt my performance that night was the best ever. I would either be walking away as Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen 2011 or as the same person I went into it as; Bailey Wachholz, Miss North Metro's Outstanding Teen.
We all graced the stage in our evening gowns to give the judges a final look then went into one long line. I was shaking from nerves and from anticipation. I always love that feeling though! They called a few awards before the runners-up and new titleholder were announced.
Here they are:
Spirit Award: Alexis Houule
People's Choice: Chandra Dahlke
Talent: Brianna Drevlow
Interview: Claire Schiller
Then the moment I had been waiting for for a very long time. Our emcee, Jennifer Hudspeth, said it was now time to announce our winners. I had no idea who would win or place. It was such a close pageant with so many talented and beautiful girls!!
Jennifer called second runner-up. I was second runner-up at MMOT 2010 last year so I know exactly what Brianna Drevlow felt like when her name was called. She is an amazing girl and I hope she continues with pageants! Good luck in all that you do Brianna! :)
When first runner-up was being called, I still had no idea who it would be. When they called my name, so many emotions ran through me. I am so honored to be able to call myself MMOT 2011 first runner-up! Just to place was amazing and although I wished I could have walked away as Miss MN's Outstanding Teen 2011 I know that I did everything I could have possibly done to prepare myself. God's plan is perfect, and it just wasn't in His plan this year to have me win. Everything happens for a reason, and although I don't know that reason yet, I do know that I walked away that night with so much more that I could have ever imagined. I believe I am now a stronger person overall. My faith grew and so did my friendships. I have the best director, Christina, and the best sister queen, Bethany, in the entire world. I also have an amazing coach, Stacie. She has watched me take a step back from time to time but was there to help me take serveral steps forward. Thank you, ladies, for being such a big part of my life! I also want to thank everyone who helped me along this journey and who will continue to support me in many more. You know who you are and just know that I love you and I appreciate everything you have done for me!!
I regret nothing of that night and for the next 7 months, I am going to enjoy each and every day as Miss North Metro's Outstanding Teen. I promise to give everything I have, to not only grow the system, but to prove that this is more than just" beauty pageant". The Miss America system embraces who you are a person, and I love each and every aspect of this system.
Congrats to the new Outstanding Teen, Alexis Houule! She is an amazing girl, who will represent this organization with grace and poise. I look forward to seeing what she will do with her year. I had the chance to get to know her a little bit, and I know she will not disappoint.
Again thanks for all of your kind words and support through all of this. You have not seen the last of Bailey Wachholz, I can promise you that!
I know this blog is really long, and I'm sorry for that :) But here are some pictures, so enjoy! Many thanks to Kelly Beniek for the wonderful pictures. YOU ROCK! :)
Chandra, Miss Mankato's Outstanding Teen!
Corrina, Miss Scott County's Outstanding Teen!
Dressing room girls! Brianna, Chandra, Me, Alexis, and Corrina
Opening number!
Evening gown!
Fitness wear!
1st runner-up!
Myself and Brianna Drevlow!
My friends, Carly and Abbie!
Sister queen!
The new Outstanding Teen, Alexis!