Miss North Metro Outstanding Teen 2010!

Miss North Metro Outstanding Teen 2010!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope your day was filled with lots of eating and spending time with family :)

As I sit here writing this, I realize how VERY thankful I am for everything that life as thrown at me. I have been faced with so much these past 2 years, some good... some not so good. To reflect back and see how God has worked his "magic" in little ways is truely incredible.

I watch a little bit of my father die each and every day from a disease that has no cure. There are somedays that I don't even know if I can get through the day, but God always gives me the strength to keep pushing through and I owe everything to Him! I am thankful to have Him in my life.

I am thankful for my Mom, who never stops supporting me. She is the epitome of everything I want to be! Not only is she my mom, but she is my best friend, support group, and mentor. I am blessed to have such an amazing Mom!

I am thankful for my Dad, whose strength makes me stronger everyday. I don't know how he manages to survive everyday knowing that he is losing his memory. He is the strongest person I know and I am also blessed to have him as a dad!

I am thankful for organizations like the Alzheimer's Association and Children's Miracle Network, who help people and children around our nation. They provide support and hope to people who otherwise would not have that support of hope! Just knowing that I get the opportunity to work with both of these organizations is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

I am thankful for my family and friends. I cannot even put into words how thankful I am. They are my rock, and if I could name all of you I would, but this blog would be wayyy long :)

I am thankful for my new "family". My director, Christina (she is a huge help in everything that I do!), and my sister queen Bethany and her mom Kelli (who I just so happen to get to see on Sunday!). I am thankful that they have been added to my life and I don't think they realize how grateful I really am to have them in my life!

So, take time today to sit down and really think about everything you are thankful for... then go out and tell them! Express to them how thankful you to have them in your life. Don't wait!


P.s. Here is the link to my speech that I gave as Alzheimer's Champion of the Year 2010! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aU2NBylU1ok

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