As I was cleaning my room today, I stumbled across my journal. But this journal is a special journal... Well kind of :) During the week of a pageant that I am going to compete in, I journal in it. It helps me organize my thoughts, and it relaxes me after the day.
It started at one of my send-off parties. My Mom had given me it to me for exactly what I use it for, a journal. But I had a great idea to have my family and friends write a little something in it to give me that little boost of confidence right before I am about to go out onto the stage and compete.
A few days later, I brought it to school so some of my friends could write in it. The first friend I asked looked at me in a weird way, but took it and said she would give it to me tomorrow. Alright, fine by me. But to my surprise, I recieved the journal back the next day and she had written 2 whole pages! It was tempting to read, but I promised myself I would save it for "pageant day". I then passed the book on to another one of my good friends, and she wrote even more! Now I was really anxious to see what they had written that had taken up so many pages. By now, instead of me asking girls if they wanted to write in it, girls were coming up to ME and asking if they could write in it. Of course I said yes! I didn't see that journal for at least 2 weeks, it was bouncing between so many girls, until finally one of my good friends handed it to me. She was the last one to write in it, and she is the friend I've known the longest. She said to me that I needed to read them a day before the pageant instead of the day of because they were going to take me a looooonnnnnng time (she said it just like that too)!
After reading all of the entries once (and some 2 times!), I knew that I had the best friends in the entire world. Their words brought me to tears, and yes I am an emotional person, but WOW. I cannnot even begin to describe how inspirational those entries were.
Carly said: "... And yes of course, things are not always going to go as planned, but be patient because when one door closes another one opens. Just go out there and find that door!" These words have stayed in my head ever since I read them. They are SO true! You can't just sit back and wish for a door to open, wishing is not enough; you have to get up and push through the pain, push through the hurt and the sadness, and find that open door. You can't let ONE bad thing along the journey slow you down. There is a reason God did what he did, you just have to believe in His plan and timing.
"Anyone can buy a fancy dress or entertain a crowd for 2 minutes, but you are doing this pageant because you have a message to spread... You have a purpose!" These words were those of Abbie, the friend that I have know the longest and who was the last one to write in my journal. She also was the girl who said "Your platform is your reality", the title of this blog. "Pause for just a second up on that stage and catch the eyes of the person you are doing all of this for... your Dad." Abbie truly does have a way with words.
I could sit here and complain about how I have to watch my Dad suffer everyday with an uncontrolable disease or have to watch my Mom become a single parent because my Dad is not able to do much, but I choose not to. I'm happy with life right now. Life is either an adventure or nothing. You decide which!
So as a bring this blog to an end, I'm reminded of how many great and supportive people I have in my life!
I think I might just have to continue this whole having-friends-write-in-my-journal thing :)
"Get up on that stage and show us that a real girl feels pain, happiness, fear, disappointment, and excitement. Show us that you can have your world turned completely turned upside down but you still have the strength and courage to act and do something about it!" -Abbie
This is absolutely amazing Bailey! So inspiring!! Love you!